Tag Archives: chicago children photographer

A while back I took family photos of Maureen and her family.   It is still to this day one of my favorite sessions.  I couldn’t get over the bright, beautiful blue eyes they all had (a photographer’s dream).   Well…now take Maureen’s family and multiply it by 5 and you’ll get the session I’m blogging about […]

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Last week I put up a sneak peak of the Macks…I had mentioned in that post how incredibly hard these photos were to edit.  I have been working on them non stop and I am just now finished!  This is definitely going to be the biggest post…image wise…I’ve ever posted.  So get ready!  🙂 Mallory […]

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So…last weekend I got together with one of my oldest and greatest friends.  Meet Mallory, Ray & Braydon.  Mal and I have been friends since we were  freshmen in high school and now it’s so crazy that I’m taking pictures of her little boy!!  Man how times flies.  Braydon is such a little man.  These […]

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